How to become a Long term CEO of a Tech company ?

However , here long term CEO termed as being on the top list CEOs in the world of Technology.

Hence if you have a notion of being in the top of game on the place of others, then you should fulfill following conditions -

1. Look for skill-building opportunities.

If you know for sure that you want to lead a company someday, then start gaining the skills you'll need as soon as possible—even as early as high school. Aim to expand your decision-making, organizational, communication, and leadership abilities any way you can. Possibilities include:
  • Getting involved in student government
  • Joining a debate team
  • Becoming part of a young entrepreneurs club
  • Leading a sports team
  • Volunteering for a charity or nonprofit agency
The idea is to pursue any activity that will expose you to the realities of running a business or organizing and managing people.

2. Earn Bachelor Degree.

If you want to become a CEO of any company , this is obvious that , on the first day they will not make your desire fulfill , they check even a smaller part on which you can be judged . Hence to be a boss of a company , first you need a eligibility to enter in the company and for that you need the bachelor degree of a particular field . But in the cases of product based companies like google , facebook, Apple, microsoft . They do not consider bachelor degree , hence you are eligible if you are passed in the college. They will promote you on the basis of experience. Here they conduct their own eligibility contest for that you should have a proper skills. But then also they sometimes prefer degree.

3. Master Degree.

This degree is important because you need to run the company and for that your experience in the field is mandatory. Hence this degree will weight your resume to make you promote for bigger.
Here as the boss you should focus on the practical knowledge and for that you need to do the Master Business Administration(MBA). Here you will step up from others. Because many people skips this role. 

4. Marketing knowledge.

If you want  to be top of you game you need to know , from where you need to make money and invest . This is the field where many people hire. As a boss you can not depend on others and fully trust. Because if by mistake problem occurs , CEO will be responsible not the marketing expert. But if you have a good times with them and you know they will not let you down , you may hire. More specifically you should know about marketing hence you should not be fooled.

All you must know Steve Jobs , he hires John Scully as a marketing officer and because steve jobs trust fully on him . He works by its own and does not fulfill Steve jobs working. Steve jobs then loses the sand from his hand hence get fired out due to less votes on board member voting.  

5. Innovation.

If you always want to make your company skies the limit , you should be innovative, now you must thinks that how , Firstly you need to understand that innovative mind set does not mean that you should be genius. You only needs to be a knowledgeable and for that you must read books , listen audio books or podcasts of the successful businessman . The more you take knowledge , more you will be innovative. You should always have a goal in mind that , you will deliver the services that nobody else considered possible.

You may take an example of Apple industry , they have made there own ecosystem in technology , such as Iphone,Ipad, Macs etc.
There all products delivers the premium version of computing .

6. Interacting with Your Employees.

This is the main role of every CEO of any company , the boss should know and guide there employs for the better future of the company. This role is the most important , you should be calm and listen to your employs and replay appropriately to stay connected to the company.  As CEO, you don’t get to sit in your cushy office and let your subordinates deal with everything but the most important decisions. Rather, an effective CEO is always in the thick of things: visiting every department, assisting with any task they are qualified to assist with, speaking to employees, and listening to their feedback . You should be dedicated towards your employ and shows them that they are important for this company. Show trust and make them follow you. This is not the instant process , you need to work with them for better result of the company.

7. Failure is OK.

Now, you are the boss so every failure is yours , you should accept it and work on it to change into success. CEOs are the type of people who try, fail, adjust, and try again. People who aren’t cut out to be CEOs use a fear of failure as an excuse not to try. Being a CEO is a constant challenge, with high risks and high rewards. If you don’t thrive with your “feet to the fire,” consider other options. Each and every type of failure can occur overnight , your shares can be low overnight . You need to admit and struggle with the same. If you are the kind of a person who can not tolerate the failure , this field is not for you.


Now , here some people are thinking what is the use of meditation in the life of  a CEO . Hence is use is direct , there is a huge responsibility of a CEO to run his company , some times they do not get proper amount of sleep , to resist the problems because of sleep, meditation is the only capsule to be taken this situation.
      The first thing to clarify: What we’re doing here is aiming for mindfulness, not some process that magically wipes your mind clear of the countless and endless thoughts that erupt and ping constantly in our brains. We’re just practicing bringing our attention to our breath, and then back to the breath when we notice our attention has wandered.

The secret weapon of all CEOs.

9. Early Birds. 

You may have listened , early bird catch the worm, its true. Most of the successful CEOs are early risers , they go to bed and wakes up quit early. you may take this case as an exception because every person has its own routine and may its not perfect routine but perfect with there working.
Some people can work overnight and some can overday. I have included this point because the habit which is common on most of top list CEOs is are they are early to bed and early to rise.

Early rising is the secret for a happy life. We all wish to live long but we cannot. Why? We go against Nature. Nature likes us to work during day and to rest at night. But we do not obey this law of Nature. We do not go to bed early. We read or write late into night. Some of us keep playing, dancing and drinking whole night. So, we do not rise early. What is the result?  Our health breaks down and we fall ill. Nature takes revenge. We have to suffer for our disobedience.

But birds and animals are healthy. They do not need a doctor every day. Why So? They sleep early and rise early. Early rising is the secret of health. But if you like to rise early, you must go to bed early.

Early rising gives you health. But early rising alone is not enough. You must leave your bed and walk a little. 

10. Exercise Daily.

Exercise helps your body stay healthy. Depending on what kind of exercise you do, your body will benefit in different ways. Weight lifting helps your entire body build muscular strength with the right routine while running gives your heart a work out. Swimming is good both for building muscle and maintaining a healthy heart. Even taking a daily walk is good exercise! No exercise at all can lead to increased risk of disease. Daily exercise helps you maintain a specific weight as long as you do not overeat. It keeps our body more efficient and persistent . Sometimes people fails because there body not support them to work late or early. The body which does not exercise wants only sleep and full day become a blur. This is the secret weapon of most successful CEOs  

Starting from beginning to CEO , considering lots of hard-work , dedication , perseverance , persistence etc . You will be successful .

A great CEO is a combination of an ideas person (like an entrepreneur), willing to take risks and think big; and a hands-on person, eagle-eyed in matters of money and human resources, always willing to dig into the details until everything is perfect.
CEO's must be effective in communication, possess leadership and management skills and have the ability to work under pressure and handle the aforementioned stress of the job.

Here are some books links , read and get deep knowledge on each topic-

1) Think and grow rich -
2) Rich Dad Poor Dad -
3) Steve Jobs -          
4) Elon Musk -         
5)  The CEO Next Door -

Thanks for reading..
